VRML at 3Name3D TM

If you think the world of mainstream 3D changes too fast to keep up with, you ought'a check out what's going on with VRML! WOW!
Things change hourly on the VRML mailing lists!

VRML is right up our alley. We do custom 3D and specialized file formats better than anyone. So when VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) opened up, we jumped right in. Not with big public announcements of support, but by becoming an active part of the VRML community. We used our experience with architecture to create the most exciting worlds possible within the static confines of VRML 1.0.
Silicon Graphics (major players in the VRML game) chose us to build the VRML 1.0 interface for their HotMix 13 CD-Rom.

Now, VRML 2.0 is bringing real interactivity to the net. Animation, sound, scripted behaviours, it's a brave new wrl! Once again 3Name3D is walking the edge of the technology. And once again Silicon Graphics has turned to us to create the content that represents them to the world. Our experience as animators gives us a huge advantage when it comes to bringing VRML 2.0 to life.

VRML is changing every day and 3Name3D has made a commitment to be right on the edge of all the new developments. If you're thinking about 3D on the net, give us a call and hear what's going on and what VRML can mean for you.

A Few Examples of VRML at 3Name3D

HotMix Hotel
This is a complete VRML interface for Silicon Graphics' HotMix CD-Rom built entirely by 3Name3D artists.
VRML Texture Mapping Tutorial
A tutorial/FAQ by our technical director Cindy Reed
VRML 1.0 goodies - Examples of 3Name3D VRML models
Clock - with Inventor toys!
Music Stand - A VRMLized Cyberprop - only 25463 bytes!

If you've got some ideas for interactive 3D - whether VRML, VR, games, or any other specialized 3D use - call 1-800-YWD-INC1. We've got some cool stuff to show you!

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